With efficient and affordable crowd controllers/event employees, SWC Security provides world-class event security in Sydney and Melbourne. By offering quality, professionalism, and knowledgeable crowd controllers/events workers, we set the benchmark. If you pick SWC Security, you can ensure not only the smooth running of your event/event but also your security, not only on the day of the event but also before and after it.

Security Patrols Melbourne must inspect current points of access, such as doors, windows, gates, and fence lines, to ensure they are secure. Our Mobile Patrol Team gathers information about your industry and its surrounds.
During these challenging COVID-19 times, we have specifically trained security guards for the workplace with a high level of social skills and sensitivity to defend your office building or other institution.

Even though they are completely qualified, Risk Assessment security guards have years of experience in various fields. We make sure that the risk assessments performed are accurate and useful.